Bookkeeping Services

Maximize Your Tax Deductions with Expert Bookkeeping

Our bilingual team understands your unique needs, ensuring your finances are in top shape, helping you save more and stress less.
How it works
Managing business finances can be overwhelming and time-consuming, especially when trying to maximize tax deductions. Many business owners struggle with keeping accurate records, leading to missed opportunities for savings and potential compliance issues. Without proper accounting solutions for small businesses, these tasks can become even more daunting.

Imagine the frustration of missing significant tax deductions because your financial records were disorganized. For instance, without accurate records, you might overlook deductible expenses like home office or mileage. The stress of sifting through incomplete records during tax season can lead to errors, resulting in costly mistakes. If audited, disorganized records could lead to hefty fines and penalties, and you might even end up paying more taxes due to missed deductions or incorrect filings. One client faced an audit and, without proper records, had to pay an additional $15,000 to redo the last 3 years of bookkeeping in order to avoid even higher taxes and penalties.

At Office Tax Services, our expert bookkeeping team ensures your financial records are accurate and up-to-date, maximizing your tax deductions and giving you peace of mind. We offer complete accounting and tax services, tailored to provide comprehensive support for small businesses. Our bilingual professionals understand your unique needs and provide personalized support to help you save more and focus on what matters most—growing your business.



  • Accurate categorization of up to 500 transactions
  • Reconciliation of up to 2 accounts
  • Unlimited bookkeeping support
  • Same-day responses during business hours
  • Annual review with tax specialist
  • Monthly reports by end of month
  • Annual financial reports
  • Exclusive and secure client portal with app
  • Accurate categorization of up to 700 transactions
  • Reconciliation of up to 4 accounts
  • Unlimited bookkeeping support 
  • Same-day responses during business hours
  • Annual review with tax specialist
  • Monthly reports by end of month
  • Annual financial reports
  • Exclusive and secure client portal with app
  • Accurate categorization of up to 1500 transactions
  • Reconciliation of up to 7 accounts
  • Unlimited bookkeeping support 
  • Same-day responses during business hours
  • Annual review with tax specialist
  • Monthly reports by end of month
  • Annual financial reports
  • Exclusive and secure client portal with app
  • Monthly 30min virtual meeting
  • Discounts on additional services
How it works


Shawn D. Torgerson

I learned today that I have had a real misunderstanding of how to enter things into Quickbooks. With Cristina's help, I feel I will get back on track and be much better from here on. I truly appreciated her patience and willingness to help me fix all my accounting.

Rosiane Barbosa

Eu não sei nem onde estaria sem a Cristina e sua equipe da Office Tax! Abriram meu negócio em 2020, e desde então fazem os serviços de bookkeeping e payroll com orientação e suporte impecável. O fato da comunicação ser em português também facilita muito, e me ajuda a entender o meu negócio, finanças e o sistema dos EUA com mais clareza. A expertise e a assistência rápida da equipe fazem toda a diferença. Tenho total confiança que toda a burocracia de impostos e contabilidade estão sendo feitos corretamente e da melhor forma para me ajudar a salvar impostos e não pagar multas. Obrigada por estarem sempre presentes e por garantir que minha empresa esteja sempre regularizada e funcionando sem problemas!

Good and Rich Market

I have been working with my accountant for several years now, and I am consistently impressed by their expertise and professionalism. They go above and beyond to ensure accuracy, meet deadlines, and provide valuable financial advice. Their attention to detail, clear communication, and problem-solving skills make them an invaluable asset to my business. I highly recommend their services!
Why choose us?

Why Choose Us?

Optimized Tax Savings
Annual review with a tax specialist maximizes your tax benefits and offers tailored guidance.
Precise Financial Records
Correct categorization of transactions ensures your financial data is always accurate.
Clear Financial Picture
Reconciliation of accounts provides you with a clear and accurate view of your finances and the health of your business.
Continuous Support
Unlimited bookkeeping support means your questions are always answered.
Immediate Assistance
Same-day responses during business hours keep you informed without delay.
Informed Decisions
Monthly reports delivered by the end of each month help you make informed business decisions.
Stress-Free Tax Prep
Annual financial reports ensure you have everything ready for business tax returns without delays or stress.
Secure Access
Exclusive client portal with an app ensures your documents are safely stored and easily accessible.
How it works

How it works

1) Upload Documents and Information
2) Onboarding Process
3) Monthly Bookkeeping Activated
How it works


Guilherme Campos

I’ve been filing my personal taxes with them for the past 5 years, and they have been taking care of my bookkeeping for my business since I opened 3 years ago. Cristina and her team have been doing an amazing job.

Junior Fiuza

This service makes the accounting process much easier. I am reassured with all the steps, because the system is very complete. I recommend and testify to the service.

Estación San Bruno Market

I’ve had the privilege of working with Office Tax Services, and their expertise has been instrumental in managing my finances. Their attention to detail, proactive approach to tax planning, and reliable communication make them an invaluable part of my financial team. I highly recommend their services to anyone seeking a dedicated and knowledgeable professional.

Ready to work together?

How it works

Frequently Asked Questions


Ready to simplify your finances and maximize your savings?